"We’ve found in our research it is often harder to trace ancestors for Black Americans than white Americans. How do federal records help identify former slaves and slave owners?"
"There's a large extent to which the segregation that was created via these programs is effectively permanent," says an NYU professor studying spatial inequality.
"Is it right that whites have 10 times the wealth?" a former P&G executive asks. "We are dealing with systems that are making choices for everyone."
“I mean, what do I have?” he replied from his wheelchair. “If they would tell me to roll out now, they’d take this chair. I’d have to crawl out of the front door. I have nothing; I have nothing."
"When I tried to start bringing in minority clients and they were good clients, that's when I truly started to see that there's still racism in financial services. I was hurt and I was angry."
"She told me: she’d like to meet the mother who endures childbirth, six times over, for some 'food stamps that barely last the month.'”
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